Ph.D candidates
Master candidates
Advanced neuromorphic semiconducting device Laboratory
The Lee Research Group


In Preparation
52. (Corresponding) Yujin Park, Un Jeong Kim*, and Moonsang Lee*, Negative photoconductivity in Si nanowire-based P3HT Ferroelectric phototransistor (In preparation)
51. (Corresponding) Jioon Huh, Bolim You, Yuna Kim, Myung Gwan Hahm*, Un Jeong Kim*, Min-Kyu Joo*, and Moonsang Lee*, CMOS-integrable 2D ambipolar tellurene negative differential transconductance transistor for multi-valued logic computing (submitted)
50. (Corresponding) Bolim You, Jioon Huh, Yuna Kim, Myung Gwan Hahm*, Un Jeong Kim*, Min-Kyu Joo*, and Moonsang Lee*, CMOS-integrable and reconfigurable 2D ambipolar tellurene synaptic transistors for in-memory computing, (Submitted)
49. (Corresponding) Yoojoong Han, Florence A. Nugera, Seok Joon Yun, Goohwan Kim, Ju Young Kim, Humberto R. Gutiérrez, Moonsang Lee*, Hyungbin Son*, Un Jeong Kim*, In-situ Projection of Optical Band Structure modulation of 2D Nanomaterials by Light-Matter Interaction, (Submitted)
48. (Corresponding) Hyunhwa Lee1, Yujin Park1, Sanghee Nah, Mincheol Kang, Moonsang Lee*, and Jeong Young Park*, Reconfiguring Hot-Hole Flux via Polarity Modulation of p-GaN in Plasmonic Schottky Architectures Sci. Adv. (2025)
47. (Corresponding) Yujin Park, Jihyang Park, Moonsang Lee*, and Jeong Young Park*, Simultaneous Harvesting of Bipolar Plasmonic Hot Carriers for Superior Photoconductivity in Ag Nanoprism-Coupled Lateral Si p-n Junction Adv. Sci. 2414654 (2025)
46. (Corresponding) Min Cheong, Dahyun Choi, Bolim You, Yeongseo Han, Taesoo Kim, Changhyun Ko, Judith L. MacManus-Driscoll, Un Jeong Kim*, Myung Gwan Hahm*, Moonsang Lee*, and Min-Kyu Joo*, Understanding Coulomb Scattering Mechanism in Ambipolar Tellurium Nanosheet Transistors ACS Applied Electron. Mater. 6(11), 8532-8539 (2024)
45. (Corresponding) Jihyang Park⊥, Yujin Park⊥, Kyoung Su Lee, Un Jeong Kim*, Eun Kyu Kim*, and Moonsang Lee*, Pushing the limits of photoconductivity via hot electrons in deep trap states in plasmonic architectures, Nano Lett., 24(41), 12988-12994 (2024) ⊥Equally contributed. selected as a supplementary cover
44. (Corresponding) Jihyang Park, Yuna Kim, Bolim You, Jihoon Huh, Goohwan Kim, Hyungbin Son*, Yeonsang Park*, Myung Gwan Hahm*, Unjeong Kim*, and Moonsang Lee*, High-Performance 1D-2D Te/MoS2 Heterostructure Photodetectors with Tunable Giant Persistent Photoconductivity, ACS Applied Electron. Mater. (8), 6147 (2024)
43. (Co-author) Ha-Rim An, Chaehun Lim, Chung Gi Min, Byoungchul Son, Chang-Yeon Kim, Ji-In Park, Jong Pil Kim, Yesul Jeong, Jiwon Seo, Moonsang Lee, Jihyang Park, Young-Seak Lee, and Hyun Uk Lee, Highly visible-light-active sulfur and carbon co-doped TiO2 (SC-TiO2) heterogeneous photocatalysts prepared by underwater discharge plasma, Chemosphere, 355, 141859 (2024)
42. (Corresponding) Bolim You⊥, Jeechan Yoon⊥, Yuna Kim, Mino Yang, Jina Bak, Jihyang Park, Unjeong Kim*, Myung Gwan Hahm*, Moonsang Lee*, Extremely Low-power-consumption Reconfigurable Two-dimensional Tellurene Artificial Synapse for Bio-inspired Wearable Edge Computing, J. Mater. Chem. C 12, 6596 (2024) ⊥Equally contributed.
41. (Co-author) Un Jeong Kim, Yoojoong Han, Florence A. Nugera, Seok Joon Yun, Seok In Kim, Moonsang Lee, Humberto R. Gutierrez, Young Hee Lee, and Hyungbin Son, Hyperspectral imaging of complex dielectric functions in 2D materials, Nano Today, 55, 102170 (2024)
40. (Co-author) Beomsu Jo, Kanghoon Seo, Kyumin Park, Chaewon Jeong, Bathalavaram Poornaprakash, Moonsang Lee, Singiri Ramu, Myung Gwan Hahm, and Young Lae Kim, Trap-assisted monolayer ReSe2/Si heterojunction with high photoconductive gain and self-driven broadband photodetector, Front. Mater. 11:1354522 (2024)
39. (Corresponding) Ramu Singiri, Dong Won Shin, Beomsu Jo, Poornaprakash Bathalavaram, Moonsang Lee*, Myung Gwan Hahm*, Young Lae Kim*, Photoelectric Characteristics of Isotype Heterostructure p-WSe2/p-Si Photodetector with Improved Photoresponsivity and Detectivity, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 5(9), 4778 (2023)
38. (Corresponding) Jina Bak, Seunggyu Kim, Kyumin Park, Jeechan Yoon, Mino Yang, Un Jeong Kim, Hideo Hosono, Jihyang Park, Bolim You, Ojun Kwon, Byungjin Cho, Sang-Won Park*, Myung Gwan Hahm*, and Moonsang Lee*, Reinforcing synaptic plasticity of defect-tolerant states in alloyed 2D artificial transistors, ACS Appl. Mater. & Inter. 15(33), 39539 (2023)
37. (Corresponding) Jihyang Park, Seunggyu Kim, Mino Yang, Hideo Hosono, Kyumin Park, Jeechan Yoon, Jina Bak, Bolim You, Sang-Won Park*, Myung Gwan Hahm*, and Moonsang Lee*, Nature of photoconductivity in self-powered single atomic-layered Nb-doped WSe2 phototransistors, ACS Photonics, 10(8), 2930 (2023)
36. (Corresponding) Uiho Choi, Sung Tae Yoo, Minho Kim, Byeongchan So, Changheon Cheon, Mino Yang, Moonsang Lee*,Kyu Chang Park*, and Okhyun Nam*, Far-UVC emission of polarity-engineered AlGaN MQW using carbon nanotube-based cold cathode electron beam, Appl. Phy. Lett. 122, 091104 (2023)
35. (Corresponding) Jeechan Yoon, Bolim You, Yuna Kim, Jina Bak, mino yang, Jihyang Park, Myung Gwan Hahm*, and Moonsang Lee*, Environmentally Stable and Reconfigurable Ultralow-Power Two-dimensional Tellurene Synaptic Transistor for Neuromorphic Edge Computing, ACS Appl. Mater. & Inter., 15(14), 18463 (2023) selected as a supplementary cover
34. (Corresponding) Yoojoong Han, Un Jeong Kim, Florence A. Nugera, Seok In Kim, Yeonsang Park, Miyeon Cheon, Gun Cheol Kim, Humberto R. Gutiérrez*, Moonsang Lee*, Hyungbin Son*, Photo-Carrier Lifetime in Binary and Ternary Heterostructures of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 2023, 2200501 (2023)
33. (Corresponding) Un Jeong Kim, Seung Hyun Nam, Seok In Kim, Yoojoong Han, Jeechan Yoon, Humberto R. Gutiérrez, Miyeon Cheon, Gun Cheol Kim, Yeonsang Park, Moonsang Lee*, Myung Gwan Hahm*, and Hyungbin Son*, Raman tensor studies on defective non-van der Waals Bi2O2Se, AIP Adv., 12, 105105 (2022)
32. (Corresponding) Un Jeong Kim,1 Seunghyun Nam,1 Mino Yang, Juyeon Seo, Qundong Fu, Zheng Liu, Hyungbin Son,* Moonsang Lee,* and Myung Gwan Hahm*, Visualizing the line defects in non-van der waals Bi2O2Se using Raman spectroscopy, ACS Nano, 16, 3637 (2022)
31. (Co-author) Soo Hyeon Kim, Ha-Rim An, Moonsang Lee, Yongcheol Hong, Yongwook Shin, Hyeran Kim, ChangYoen Kim, Ji-In Park, Byoungchul Son, Yesul Jeong, Jong-Soon Choi, and Hyun Uk Lee, High removal efficiency of industrial toxic compounds through stable catalytic reactivity in water treatment system, Chemosphere, 287(2), 132204 (2022)
30. (1st author) Juyeon Seo,1 Seung hyun Nam,1 Moonsang Lee,1 Jin-Young Kim, Seung Gyu Kim, Changkyoo Park, Dong-Woo Seo, Young Lae Kim, Sang Sub Kim,* Un Jeong Kim,* and Myung Gwan Hahm*, Gate-controlled gas sensor utilizing 1D–2D hybrid nanowires network, iScience, 25(1), 103660 (2022)
29. (Co-author) Ha-Rim An, Soo An Bae, Chang Yeon Kim, Byoungchul Son, Ji-In Park, Hyeran Kim, Moonsang Lee, Kyeong Eun Yang, Sang Moon Lee, Soo Hyeon Kim, Yesul Jeong, Yujin Jang, Beomgyun Jeong, and Hyun Uk Lee, Highly efficient and stable catalytic reactivities of iron(-oxide) incorporated carbide nanofiber composite for environmental and bio-medical application, J. Mater. Res. & Tech., 15, 5232 (2021)
28. (1st author) Moonsang Lee, Seunghyun Nam, Byungjin Cho, Ojun Kwon, Hyun Uk Lee, Myung Gwan Hahm,* Un Jeong Kim,* and Hyungbin Son*, Accelerated learning in bio-inspired wide bandgap AlN artificial photo-electric synaptic device: Impact of suppressed shallow trap states, Nano Lett. 21(18), 7879 (2021) selected as a front cover
27. (Corresponding) Kyoungjae Song, Hyunhwa Lee, Moonsang Lee,* and Jeong Young Park*, Plasmonic hot hole-driven water splitting on Au/p-GaN, ACS Energy Lett. 16, 1333 (2021)
26. (Corresponding) Moonsang Lee, Woojin Park, Hyungbin Son, Juyeon Seo, Ojun Kwon, Seyoung Oh, Myung Gwan Hahm,* Un Jeong Kim,* and Byungjin Cho*, Brain-inspired ferroelectric Si nanowire synaptic device, APL Mater. 9, 031103 (2021)
25. (Corresponding) Moonsang Lee,* Mino Yang, Hae-Yong Lee, Hyun Uk Lee, Hyunhwa Lee, Hyungbin Son,* and Un Jeong Kim,* The growth of HVPE α-Ga2O3 crystals and its solar-blind UV photodetector applications, Mater. Sci. Semicon. Proc. 123, 105565 (2021)
24. (Corresponding) Soo Hyeon Kim, Mino Yang, Hae-Yong Lee, Jong-Soon Choi, Hyun Uk Lee, Un Jeong Kim,* and Moonsang Lee*, Structural characteristics of α-Ga2O3 films grown on sapphire by halide vapor phase epitaxy, Mater. Sci. Semicon. Proc. 123, 105534 (2021).
23. (Co-author) Won-Sang Shin, Changkyoo Park, Juyeon Seo, Dong-Hyuck Jung, Eun Choi, Moonsang Lee, Un Jeong Kim,* Myung Gwan Hahm,* and Yoon-Jun Kim*, Tribological Characteristics of Atomic-scale Niobium Diselenide Grown via Chemical Vapor Deposition, Appl. Phys. Exp. 13(10), 105004 (2020)
22. (1st author) Moonsang Lee, Hyung Bin Son, Hae-Yong Lee, Joonhee Moon, Heejin Kim, Ji-In Park, Zheng Liu, Myung Gwan Hahm,* Mino Yang,* and Un Jeong Kim*, Nanovoid-driven high crystalline aluminum nitride and its application in solar-blind UV photodetectors, J. Mater. Chem. C. 8, 14431 (2020)
21. Hyunghwa Lee, Kyungjae Song, Moonsang Lee,* and Jeongyoung Park*, In Situ Visualization of Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance-Driven Hot Hole Flux, Adv. Sci. 7(20), 2001148 (2020) selected as a frontispiece
20. (Co-author) Yesul Jeong, Ji-In Park, Myoung Gyu Ha, Jong-Seong Bae, Yunju Choi, Sun-A Choi, You-Kwan Oh, Ha-Rim An, Hyeran Kim, Hae Jin Kim, Sang Moon Lee, Suok Lee, Moonsang Lee, Yong Cheol Hong, and Hyun Uk Lee*, “Effect of hydrogenated iron oxide nanoparticles with regular spherical shape by underwater plasma discharge treatment for high-efficiency water purification,” Ceram. Inter. 46(15), 23582-23591 (2020)
19. (Co-author) Hee Tae Ahn, Ha-Rim An, Yong Cheol Hong, Soon Chang Lee, Thao Nguyen Le, Xuan Ai Le, Ho Seung Kwak, Young-Seak Lee, Yesul Jeong, Ji-In Park, Hyeran Kim, Moonsang Lee, Seung Jo Yoo, Sang-Gil Lee, Kyuseok Choi, Young-Boo Lee, Moon Il Kim,* and Hyun Uk Lee*, “Ultrarapid, size-controlled, high-crystalline plasma-mediated synthesis of ceria nanoparticles for reagent-free colorimetric glucose test strips,” Sensor Actuat. B-Chem. 320, 128404 (2020)
18. (1st author) Moonsang Lee, Youngwook Shin, Hyun Uk Lee, Yesul Jeong, Myung Gwan Hahm,* and Jaekyun Kim*, “Origin of high quantum efficiency in Si-based homoepitaxial InGaN/GaN light-emitting diodes,” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53, 375102 (2020)
17. (1st author) Moonsang Lee, Dongyun Lee, Hionsuck Baik, Heejin Kim, Yesul Jeong, Mino Yang, Hyun Uk Lee, Myung Gwan Hahm,* and Jaekyun Kim*,” Highly Efficient Excitonic Recombination of Non-polar (1120) GaN Nanocrystals for Visible Light Emitter by Hydride Vapour Phase Epitaxy,” Sci. Rep. 10:2076 (2020)
16. (1st author) Moonsang Lee, Chang Wan Ahn, Thi Kim Oanh Vu, Hyun Uk Lee, Yesul Jeong, Myung Gwan Hahm,* Eun Kyu Kim,* and Sungsoo Park*, “Current Transport Mechanism in Palladium Schottky Contact on Si-Based Freestanding GaN,” Nanomaterials 10, 297-303 (2020)
15. (1st author) Moonsang Lee, Mino Yang, Hae-Yong Lee, Hyun Uk Lee, Heejin Kim,* and Sungsoo Park*, “High crystalline aluminum nitride via highly enhanced adatom diffusion driven by point defect complex,” Appl. Surf. Sci. 505, 144615 (2020)
14. (1st author) Moonsang Lee, Dockyoung Yoon, Uk Jae Lee, Nurzhan Umirov, Aliya Mukanova, Zhumabay Bakenov, and Sung-soo Kim*, "The electrochemical performances of n-type extended lattice spaced Si negative electrodes for lithium-ion batteries," Front. Chem. 7:389 (2019)
13. (1st author) Moonsang Lee,* Chang Wan Ahn, Thi Kim Oanh Vu, Hyun Uk Lee, Eun Kyu Kim,* and Sungsoo Park*, "First observation of the electronic traps in freestanding GaN crystals grown using Si substrates by HVPE," Sci. Rep. 9:7128 1-6 (2019)
12. (1st author) Moonsang Lee, Hyun Uk Lee, Keun Man Song, and Jaekyun Kim*, "Significant improvement of reverse leakage current characteristics of Si-based homoepitaxial InGaN/GaN blue light emitting diodes," Sci. Rep. 9:970 (2019)
11. (Corresponding) Moonsang Lee,* and Sungsoo Park*, "Stress-engineered growth of homoepitaxial GaN crystals by HVPE," RSC Adv. 8 35571-35574 (2018)
10. (1st author) Moonsang Lee, Hyunkyu Lee, Keun Man Song, and Jaekyun Kim*, "Investigation of forward tunneling current characteristics of InGaN/GaN blue light emitting diodes on freestanding GaN detached from a Si substrate," Nanomaterials. 8, 543-549 (2018)
9. (1st author) Moonsang Lee, Hionsuck Baik, Wontaek Ryu, Yewon Jo, SeongYoung Kong, and Mino Yang*, "Partial edge dislocations comprised of metallic Ga bonds in GaN grown on silicon," Nano Lett. 18(8), 4866-4870 (2018)
8. (Corresponding) Moonsang Lee,* Mino Yang, Jung-Sub Wi, and Sungsoo Park*, "Formation of in situ HVPE a-plane GaN nanodots: effects on the structural properties of a-plane GaN templates," CrystEngComm. 20, 4036-4041 (2018)
7. (Corresponding) Moonsang Lee,* Thi Kim Oanh Vu, Kyoung Su Lee, Eun Kyu Kim,* and Sungsoo Park*, "Electronic transport mechanism for Schottky diodes formed by Au/HVPE a-plane GaN templates grown via in situ GaN nanodot formation," Nanomaterials. 8, 397-405 (2018)
6. (Corresponding) Moonsang Lee,* Thi Kim Oanh Vu, Kyoung Su Lee, Eun Kyu Kim,* and Sungsoo Park*, "Electronic states of deep trap levels in a-plane GaN tempaltes grown on r-plane sapphire by HVPE," Sci. Rep. 8:7814 (2018)
5. (1st author) Moonsang Lee, Dmitry Mikulik, and Sungsoo Park*, " The investigation on in-situ removal of Si substrates for freestanding GaN crystals by HVPE," RSC Adv. 8,12310-12314 (2018)
4. (Corresponding) Moonsang Lee,* Mino Yang, Keun Man Song,* and Sungsoo Park,* "InGaN/GaN blue light emitting didoes using freestanding GaN extracted from a Si substrate," ACS Photonics, 5(4), 1453-1459 (2018).
3. (Corresponding) Moonsang Lee,* Dmitry Mikulik, Mino Yang,* and Sungsoo Park*, "The investigation of the stress evolution in freestanding GaN crystals grown using Si substrates," Sci. Rep. 7:8587 (2017)
2. (1st author) Moonsang Lee, Dmitry Mikulik, Mino Yang,* and Sungsoo Park*, "Nearly perfect GaN crystal via pit-assisted growth by HVPE," CrystEngComm. 19, 2036-2041 (2017)
1. (1st author) Moonsang Lee, Dmitry Mikulik, and Sungsoo Park,* "Thick GaN growth via GaN nanodot formation by HVPE," CrystEngComm., 19, 930-935 (2017)